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Christian Counseling

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Section outline

  • The Counselor and Counselee: 5 subjects

    a) Who goes to whom [first aid (helper), life coach, counselor, psychologist, psychiatrist] 

    b) Differences between secular and Christian Counselling, integration of Christian faith and psychological approaches, the Holy Spirit and Christian spirituality in counselling and psychotherapy. 

    a) Motives behind Serving in Counselling, pre-requisites for serving in Christian Counseling. 

    b) Transference and countertransference. 

     a & b) stages and techniques of counselling process (Empathy and confrontation) 

    a) Criteria of counselling relationship (Carl Roger’s) 

    b) panorama of individual counselling, counseling sheet. 

    a & b) skills of counseling, body language, boundaries in counselling, code of ethics in counselling, telephone counselling.

    • Relationships, 8 subjects

      a) Communication and b) Relationships

      a) Difficult personalities and b) Conflict styles

      a) Toxic relationships and b) how to deal with toxic relationships.

      a & b) Boundaries

      a & b) Codependency

      a &b) Forgiveness of abuse and neglect

      a & b) Reconciliation and confrontation

      a) problem centered solving and b) panorama of counseling of couples 

      • Sporadic cases, 6 subjects

        a) child abuse and neglect, 

        b) counselling children, counselling adolescents.

        a) Infidelity counselling and b) how to help the victim to be healed. 

        a & b) Singleness

        a & b) Homosexuality

        a & b) Suicide prevention

        • D S M V, 5 subjects

          a & b) Symptoms of psychiatric disorders according to DSM-V 

          a & b) behavioral disturbances in children, (ODD: oppositional defiant disorder, CD: conduct disorder) 

          a & b) developmental disorders, ADHD   

          Autism spectrum disorder 

          a & b) Substance use and abuse disorders 

          a & b) personality disorders 

          • Counselling theories and psychotherapies, 6 subjects

            a & b) Psychoanalytic theory 

            a & b) Existential Therapy, Person-Centred Therapy,

            a) Behaviour Therapy and b) Pavlov and Skinner 

            a) Cognitive Behaviour Therapy and b) lies people believe.

            a) Transactional analysis and b) Logotherapy

            a) Reality Therapy and b) Solution-Focused Brief Therapy.